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En45545-2 fire protection requirements for materials and components en45545-2

Time:2020-09-02 10:24:20 Hits: 4035

En45545-2 fire protection requirements for materials and components the latest standard of en45545-2 is 2013 edition, which mainly focuses on the combustion performance, heat release, smoke density, toxicity and other properties of materials. According to the end use of materials, en45545-2 standard is divided into 26 different categories r1-r26. According to the vehicle type and operating environment, the fire risk level is divided into HL1, HL2 and Hl3 according to en45545-2-2013 standard. According to the risk degree of vehicle operation environment, en45545-2 HL1, en45545-2 HL2 and en45545-2 Hl3 are the three risk levels. Among them, en45545-2 Hl3 has the highest requirements and the most stringent. In order to reduce the risk of wind disaster during vehicle operation, it is required that the interior decoration materials of railway vehicles should reach en45545 Hl3. En45545-2 hl1-hl3 risk level is classified according to vehicle operation environment and vehicle category. En45545-2 HL1: standard vehicle, automatic train without first aid training staff, double deck vehicle operating in operation category 1 environment.

 En45545-2 HL2: sleeper vehicles operate in operation category 1 environment; standard vehicles, automatic trains for employees without emergency training, double deck vehicles and sleeper vehicles operate in operation category 2 environment; standard vehicles, automatic trains for employees without first aid training, and double deck vehicles operate in operation category 3 environment. En45545-2 Hl3: sleeper vehicles operate in operation category 3 environment; standard vehicles, automatic trains for employees without first aid training, double deck vehicles and sleeper vehicles operate in operation category 4 environment. 

The en45545-2 test requirements for different risk levels are completely different. Data requirements of en45545-2 R1 hazard level HL1: CFE flame extension test ≥ 20; no requirement for heat release; DS (4) smoke density ≤ 600; VOF (4) smoke density ≤ 1200; toxicity test ≤ 1.2. The data requirements of en45545-2 R2 hazard level Hl3 are as follows: CFE flame extension test ≥ 20; heat release ≤ 90; DS (4) smoke density ≤ 300; VOF (4) smoke density ≤ 600; toxicity test ≤ 0.9. The data requirements of en45545-2 R3 hazard level Hl3 are as follows: CFE flame extension test ≥ 20; heat release ≤ 60; DS (4) smoke density ≤ 150; VOF (4) smoke density ≤ 300; toxicity test ≤ 0.75. Therefore, the data requirement of en45545-2 hazard level Hl3 is the highest. EN ISO 5658-2 reaction to fire tests spread of flame part 2: reaction to fire tests spread of flame part 2: reaction to fire tests flame spread in vertical configuration.

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